
Brocton Hall

Management Committee 2024

We have pleasure in presenting the 2023 Brocton Hall Golf Club Management Committee. The Management Committee are elected to serve and represent the members of Brocton Hall Golf Club. If you would like to find out more about what they do or if you have a question about their responsibility, then please complete the form below or contact the General Manager for their contact details.

Simon Harbridge


Adrian Tasker



Phil Musker


Julia Nichols

Lady Captain


Ned Edwards


Roger Edwards

Vice President & Chair of Clubhouse

Richard Gee

Vice Captain & Chair of Match & Competitions

Jenny Bell 

Lady Vice Captain

Wayne Cooper

HR & Governance Lead

Alan Birch

Chair of Bar & Catering

Harriet Painter

Roger Prenter-Jones

Chair of Course

Helen Tasker


Bridget Locke

Do you have a question for the Management Committee?



Finance Subcommittee

Adrian Tasker Treasurer & Chair
Simon Harbridge Chair of Management Committee
Roger Edwards Chair of Clubhouse
Roger Prenter-Jones Chair of Course
Alan Birch Chair of Bar & Catering

Course Subcommittee

Roger Prenter-Jones Chair
Richard Gee 
Bridget Locke
Wayne Cooper
Nevil Bland Head Professional
Andy Fellows

Head Greenkeeper

Match & Competitions Subcommittee

Richard Gee Chair
Harriet Painter Mixed and Fun & Food Comps
Roger Prenter-Jones
Mary Robertson  Ladies Comp Secretary 
Merv Richards Seniors Captain
Nevil Bland Head Professional
Jonathan Brookes

Handicap  Subcommittee

Jonathan Brookes Chair
Delia Fowler Ladies Handicap 
Alan Birch Mens Handicap
Steve Metcalf
 Nevil Bland          

Head Professional

Membership & Marketing Subcommittee

Wayne Cooper Chair
Harriet Painter
Helen Tasker Womens Charter & Academy
Nevil Bland Head Professional
Karen Martin General Manager

Bar & Catering Subcommittee

Alan Birch Chair
Ann Williams

Karen Martin 

General Manager
Jenny Bell 
Justin Bagshaw-Ray Head of Bar & Catering
Jon Brookes

Clubhouse Subcommittee

Roger Edwards Chair
Phil Musker
Ann Williams
Karen Martin General Manager

Social Subcommittee

Alan Birch     Chair                     
Adrain Tasker 
Jonathan Brookes
Karen Martin General Manager

Health & Safety


Welfare & Safeguarding

Karen Martin Lead
Heather Wooding

Sarah Haeneldt Junior safeguarding
Roger Prenter-Jones

Women in Golf Charter 

Helen Tasker      Lead                   

Disciplinary Panel

Steve Kanes Past President / Chair
David Parkes Past Captain
Ann Williams Past Lady Captain

Governance Review

Wayne Cooper


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